That wonderful time of the year is almost here. Unfortunately I haven't been keeping up with the count down chart this year because I've been insanely busy (how unusual). It has been nice relaxing over the last two days but that of course comes at the cost of having two finals on Wednesday. Who are the bastards that decided to schedule the finals period up until two days before Christmas? And why do my professors have to go ahead and schedule them on that day? Blasphemy!
I'm sure Wells Fargo is enjoying my patronage at this time as I've been forced to put Christmas gifts on my credit card over the past couple weeks. Yep, I'm dead broke. I don't know quite how it happened but when it was time to pay my rent this month my checking acount had about $100 less than expected. Funny how that happens.
On a really good note, tommorow night is the long-awaited Motion City Soundtrack and Limbeck show at First Avenue and it's going to be f*cking awesome (the censorship was for the kids). I always love seeing MCS and Limbeck play but it's going to be even more dope seeing them at the legendary First Avenue as I haven't been to a show there in over a year. YAY!
Finally, I've been fixing to watch some Christmas specials lately. Rudolph The Red-nosed Reindeer was on a few weeks ago - yes the original, Claymation-style special with the lovable Bumble. Ever since I've been thinking about all of the great specials I used to watch as a kid. I'm not sure which would be my favorite but I've narrowed it down to a top 5. *Drumroll*....
Top 5 Christmas Specials of All-Time (In no particular order)
- Rudolph
- How The Grinch Stole Christmas (animated)
- Charlie Brown's Christmas
- The Muppet Christmas Carol
- The Family Guy Christmas episode
I need a video or DVD with all of these on. And Mickey's Christmas Carol if only for the snowball fight short between Donald Duck and his nephews. Someone hook it up.
That's enough for now I think...there's NFL on Saturdays now. Happy Holidays!
Oh yeah Santa - this year all I want is a Packers Super Bowl appearance, a car, and a gig at a great ad agency upon graduating. (If that's too much to ask I'll settle for Green Bay beating Minnesota on Christmas Eve and an internship).
CURRENT LISTENING: Rockin' Around The Christmas Tree
Saturday, December 18, 2004
Wednesday, December 15, 2004's been a while!
Sorry to anyone out there who might actually be checking this thing for new posts. I know I've been MIA for a day or 16. projects...finals. WHEW! That's the sound of a semester winding down.
I'll be back soon.
I'll be back soon.
Sunday, November 28, 2004
You know you're seriously busy when...
Your alarm clock is unplugged and you don't unplug and set the time for 3 days.
You plan on vacuuming your room but the vacum just sits in the corner of your room for 5 days.
You have to write things you need to remember to do on your hand like you did with homework assignments in high school.
When you go out to bars, you drink A LOT. I guess this would be the antithesis of what a busy person should do since hangovers are not conducive to getting work done, but it's what happens to me.
You're addicted to Red Bull. This is made easier by working for the company.
On the subject of busy, I wish there was a way of updating my iPod without having to hook up the USB to my sluggish computer and sit there and transfer files. Like iPod library ESP. That would be great.
Alright I'm busy so I gotta wrap this up. Go PACK tommorow night!
CURRENT LISTENING: Say Anything - Yellow Cat (Slash) Red Cat
You plan on vacuuming your room but the vacum just sits in the corner of your room for 5 days.
You have to write things you need to remember to do on your hand like you did with homework assignments in high school.
When you go out to bars, you drink A LOT. I guess this would be the antithesis of what a busy person should do since hangovers are not conducive to getting work done, but it's what happens to me.
You're addicted to Red Bull. This is made easier by working for the company.
On the subject of busy, I wish there was a way of updating my iPod without having to hook up the USB to my sluggish computer and sit there and transfer files. Like iPod library ESP. That would be great.
Alright I'm busy so I gotta wrap this up. Go PACK tommorow night!
CURRENT LISTENING: Say Anything - Yellow Cat (Slash) Red Cat
Tuesday, November 23, 2004
A letter of recommendation, St. Brett, and fantasy football ire
So I just finished the task of writing a letter of recommendation from the perspective of my professor for a national scholarship through my fraternity for Journalism and Mass Communication majors. When I approached her about doing it, she said she was always happy to do those types of things for students, but she also required them to draft up a letter she would revise and add her personal voice to. I really didn't think much of this at the time, realizing that she is probably quite busy and even though I know her better than I know most of my professors, she may not know me quite as well as your standard constantly-visiting-office hours, brown-nosing student. When it came time to actually write the letter, it was initially a bit of a struggle to write good things about myself without wondering if I was being over the top and if all the things I was saying were true. That's when you remember that $2500 is on the line and all of that goes out the window.
For those football fans of you out there, particularly of the Green and Gold persuasion, I hope you had the opportunity to watch the legendary #4 work his magic again this week. While I really hate the Pack making me sweat out these close last-second wins, it's always awesome to watch Brett completely takeover a game and orchestrate the game-winning scoring drive in the final minutes of a game. Like him or hate him, you've gotta admit he's one of the best ever.
Finally, I want to give a big screw you out to the New England Patriots defense for giving up too many yards to Trent Green tonight, allowing my fantasy football team to lose by 2 measley points. I guess I could've started Kevin Jones over Rudi Johnson and everything would've been fine but who saw Jones rushing for 100 yards coming? Okay, maybe everyone should've considering the Vikings defense as of late. I still blame the Patriots 'D' for my team's loss though. With a record of 5-6, it's time to put the rally cap on.
NOW PLAYING: Pacers vs. Pistons brawl...on repeat
For those football fans of you out there, particularly of the Green and Gold persuasion, I hope you had the opportunity to watch the legendary #4 work his magic again this week. While I really hate the Pack making me sweat out these close last-second wins, it's always awesome to watch Brett completely takeover a game and orchestrate the game-winning scoring drive in the final minutes of a game. Like him or hate him, you've gotta admit he's one of the best ever.
Finally, I want to give a big screw you out to the New England Patriots defense for giving up too many yards to Trent Green tonight, allowing my fantasy football team to lose by 2 measley points. I guess I could've started Kevin Jones over Rudi Johnson and everything would've been fine but who saw Jones rushing for 100 yards coming? Okay, maybe everyone should've considering the Vikings defense as of late. I still blame the Patriots 'D' for my team's loss though. With a record of 5-6, it's time to put the rally cap on.
NOW PLAYING: Pacers vs. Pistons brawl...on repeat
Saturday, November 20, 2004
Let me tell you a thing or two about Metro Transit
Before the bus ride home from work (campus) today, my iPod battery died. This was quite disheartening since I was bored out of my mind waiting for the bus, but I quickly got over it. Since I wasn't able to listen to music, I had a lot of time to sit and contemplate. Now for those of you who don't take the bus very often or have never taken it at all, it can be quite an interesting experience. The route I take to and from campus and uptown is the 6. Route 6 is probably the greatest route there is for people/environment-scoping because it covers the best parts of Minneapolis: U of M, downtown, and uptown. Here's some of the things I've noted on the ride back from campus (because in the morning I'm still half asleep): when you stop in front of Aveda, you'll usually see some dolled-up girls and a flaming man. When you swing through downtown, you'll see all sorts of things and there will often be someone that tries to get on the bus without fare. Finally, when you swing through uptown you'll of course see any combination of gays, punks, and hipsters. I've also come to notice that on any bus, you'll pretty much always have the following:
-a bunch of people listening to headphones
-a student reading or doing some type of math/science problems in a notebook
-someone talking waaay too loud on their cellphone
-someone sleeping against the window
The Metro transit is fairly reliable on times, but it's really a bitch when you get to the stop exactly at the time the bus is supposed to be there and see it about half a mile down the road. I usually want to throw a rock.
Even though the transit sounds shitty, it's not that bad. For me, it's often one of the only slow parts of my day and definitely a time that offers reflection. What DOES suck is being used to having a car on campus and taking the Metro Transit. When I want to be somewhere fast, I can't.
That's enough ranting for today. I added Ernie as my profile picture to keep the stalkers away (and he was always my favorite character as a kid).
CURRENT LISTENING: Limbeck - Perfect Teeth (cover)
-a bunch of people listening to headphones
-a student reading or doing some type of math/science problems in a notebook
-someone talking waaay too loud on their cellphone
-someone sleeping against the window
The Metro transit is fairly reliable on times, but it's really a bitch when you get to the stop exactly at the time the bus is supposed to be there and see it about half a mile down the road. I usually want to throw a rock.
Even though the transit sounds shitty, it's not that bad. For me, it's often one of the only slow parts of my day and definitely a time that offers reflection. What DOES suck is being used to having a car on campus and taking the Metro Transit. When I want to be somewhere fast, I can't.
That's enough ranting for today. I added Ernie as my profile picture to keep the stalkers away (and he was always my favorite character as a kid).
CURRENT LISTENING: Limbeck - Perfect Teeth (cover)
Wednesday, November 17, 2004
No wakeup calls to the roommate from Darth Vader
In a great example of unconvential marketing genius, Target is promoting it's two-day post Thanksgiving sale (Nov. 26 & 27 of course) by letting shoppers sign up for a wake up call from an array of personalities both recognizable and fabricated including Darth Vader, Cheech, Heidi Klum, and a rooster named Dennis. Now, one could guess that my initial reaction was to sign up some friends for a nice 5:30 am wake up call from Lord Vader himself. But of course, Target and Mother, the ad agency brains behind the campaign, had thought of this possibility already. So when I sign up I come to learn that I have to call a 1-800 number to confirm my wake up call within the next two days. Which brings us to the present...Operation: Steal roommate's cell phone.

Go here to view the site:
The story of the day in my life is my Psychology of Advertising midterm (yes, VERY EXCITING). The issue I have - and I don't know if it's one of trickery, stupidity, or just plain oversight on the part of the prof - is that in the review session on Friday the TA spent all the time going over stuff on information processing and learning theories and told us that was going to be the bulk of the test material. So, of course I spend most of my time reviewing this info only for the actual test to be comprised of exactly what we weren't told to study. Not cool.
CURRENT LISTENING: The Academy Is... - Seasons
Go here to view the site:
The story of the day in my life is my Psychology of Advertising midterm (yes, VERY EXCITING). The issue I have - and I don't know if it's one of trickery, stupidity, or just plain oversight on the part of the prof - is that in the review session on Friday the TA spent all the time going over stuff on information processing and learning theories and told us that was going to be the bulk of the test material. So, of course I spend most of my time reviewing this info only for the actual test to be comprised of exactly what we weren't told to study. Not cool.
CURRENT LISTENING: The Academy Is... - Seasons
Tuesday, November 16, 2004
My First Blog
Welcome to my weblog. I decided to do my own blog for a few reasons. First off, with how stressful my life sometimes get with all the stuff I have going on I figured it would be nice to have the ability to just pause and spew out whatever's on my mind. Logically, a blog is perfect for that. Second, as an aspiring copywriter, it's good for me to have a constant writing outlet, not to mention the fact that I just enjoy writing. Finally, I don't get quite as much time lately to keep in touch with friends and family and although this in no way parallels real conversation (and will probably involve a lot of things I wouldn't discuss in a normal conversation), I figured it would at least be a way for people to keep up with me if they wanted to.
Don't expect quality entertainment.
Don't expect it to always be nice.
I do hope you enjoy reading...though if you don't I'm not doing it for you anyway.
Stay tuned.
Welcome to my weblog. I decided to do my own blog for a few reasons. First off, with how stressful my life sometimes get with all the stuff I have going on I figured it would be nice to have the ability to just pause and spew out whatever's on my mind. Logically, a blog is perfect for that. Second, as an aspiring copywriter, it's good for me to have a constant writing outlet, not to mention the fact that I just enjoy writing. Finally, I don't get quite as much time lately to keep in touch with friends and family and although this in no way parallels real conversation (and will probably involve a lot of things I wouldn't discuss in a normal conversation), I figured it would at least be a way for people to keep up with me if they wanted to.
Don't expect quality entertainment.
Don't expect it to always be nice.
I do hope you enjoy reading...though if you don't I'm not doing it for you anyway.
Stay tuned.
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