Sunday, September 18, 2005


The Packers head coach. Green Bay sucks right now and as much as there is glaring lack of talent at some positions, the coaching is even worse. Sherman does not motivate this team to play and can't put together any semblence of a game plan on offense.

At least fantasy football is exciting.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Three day weekends are a tease

Too short to be a vacation, yet just long enough to enjoy more than the typical weekend. I had a pretty good one and I hope all of you can say the same.

I ended up at "The Great Minnesota Get-Together" twice. That would be the Minnesota State Fair for those of you of the non-MN ilk. If you go to the State Fair one year, you've basically been there every year. I hold this philosophy, yet still end up going, usually solely for something to do with friends. On Friday, my roommate and I hurried over after my half day of work and arrived in time to catch the last hour of Dan "Common Man" Cole's show broadcasting live on KFAN (our local sports radio). If you've never had the privilege of listening to Common's show, it's basically a two-hour window of half-sports banter, half whatever the hell they randomly end up conversing about. This can range from politics to pop culture to obscure insider jokes and references. Overall, the show is most entertaining due to Common's relationship with his callers -- many of which have a cult-like following -- and his laid-back, yet outlandish jokes and references that involve the ability to both subtlely poke fun at bizarre callers and be self-depricating on various occasions. It makes for an interesting listen almost every day and Friday was no different with a Bob Dylan impersonation contest between Common and State Fair crowd challengers and the second day featuring of the great "Mouth Guitar Man." After eating greasy foods and washing them down with beer we did a walk of most of the grounds and ended up back at the KFAN booth to finish off the day watching an interview with Minnesota Governor Norm Coleman. It was an enjoyable afternoon overall, though a completely different experience from going with my girlfriend on Labor Day, in which we basically walked around getting different foods and doing more "couple-ish" things.

On a more serious note, things started turning around a bit with the situation down in New Orleans. It was good to see things finally being taken care of with the relief effort on the part of the government and even greater to see the millions of Americans reaching out with their wallets, hearts and hands to assist victims of the Hurricane Katrina. I'm not even going to comment on the way the government handled the situation with the disaster -- there are plenty of other blogs out there to read opinions and political analysis. But there was one political critic whose name has been inescapable the media after a comment on an NBC benefit over the weekend: Kanye West. In case you missed it, here's a good run down of what happened. Basically, Kanye deviated from a teleprompted script to offer his own opinion on the matters taking place including a silencing claim that "George Bush does not care about black people." Obviously media pundits have gone nuts over this comment with many of them completely damning West for his comment. I don't know what to think of it. On one hand, I partially agree about Bush, but I don't think it's a matter of race. It's that Bush doesn't really care about POOR people. At the same time, the comment was horribly timed as there is no way this could possibly be good for anything right now. Bush is probably deserving of more criticism for the way he has handled many affairs (most recently this relief effort and many actions that even prefaced the hurricane) but in the current climate of our nation, this polical finger-pointing should really be put on pause. It should be time to focus on cleaning up the gigantic mess and assisting those who are suffering. The Republicans will get what's coming to them in '06 and '08 anyway.


My internship ends on Friday. What's even more uplifting is that I have a job interview for a gig that I'm pretty excited about this week as well. All that and the NFL season kicking off this weekend! It's hard not to feel guilty celebrating given the current face of the nation, but things are positive on this front...
