Tuesday, November 16, 2004

My First Blog


Welcome to my weblog. I decided to do my own blog for a few reasons. First off, with how stressful my life sometimes get with all the stuff I have going on I figured it would be nice to have the ability to just pause and spew out whatever's on my mind. Logically, a blog is perfect for that. Second, as an aspiring copywriter, it's good for me to have a constant writing outlet, not to mention the fact that I just enjoy writing. Finally, I don't get quite as much time lately to keep in touch with friends and family and although this in no way parallels real conversation (and will probably involve a lot of things I wouldn't discuss in a normal conversation), I figured it would at least be a way for people to keep up with me if they wanted to.

Don't expect quality entertainment.
Don't expect it to always be nice.
I do hope you enjoy reading...though if you don't I'm not doing it for you anyway.

Stay tuned.

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