Thursday, January 05, 2006

What to do, what to do

With the start of a New Year, we're always in a full press of self-reflection. Questions like 'what was great about the past year?' and 'what could've I have done better?' fill our heads as we look ahead. I have done plenty of it myself in the past couple weeks and one of the things I've been thinking about (though much further down the totem pole) is what to do with my blog.

I continue doing this for a few reasons. Keeping friends updated on some of the events in my life, having an outlet to vent or express my inner monologue and finally, to write more often outside of work. You don't have to be a great guesser to determine which one has failed in its purpose the most.

So for 2006 I've thought about a few different things I'd like to do with my blog. A natural course of action would be to just ditch it, as I only bring myself to write in it 1-2 times per month anyway. Another option is to continue writing, keeping the journal style going and making a valiant effort to write much more frequently. The final option -- and one I've thought about a lot lately -- is to narrow the blog down to a specific focus, whether it be music, football or just news and thoughts on the happenings of my good ol' Green Bay Packers. It should be obvious that I'm never going to use this blog as a money-making outlet, and while I don't care a ton about the number of readers I know that if I focused the topic (and of course, wrote frequently) I would have a bit more of a readership.

So what do you think? Drop a comment for once...unless you're another one of those blog spammer scumbags.

Oh yeah - Happy New Year!

- EH

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