Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Top 5 Dream Jobs

"Thank God dreaming's free, 'cause I spent all my money on make believe" - Ryan Adams

One of the characteristics of my personality that has definitely been evident over the course of writing this blog is my penchant for lists. Making lists of things to do, things I like and ranking things. It's definitely my main idiosyncracy. It's also a small reason (of many) that I love the movie High Fidelity. Outside of the standout humor scenes of the movie, one of my favorites is when Rob (John Cusak's character) breaks down his dream jobs with a top 5 list, the running motif of the movie. I saw the movie on t.v. a few weeks ago and thought about my own top 5 then and when popped back into my mind again today, I thought I'd make a quick post about it.

Now unlike Rob, I can accept at this point that it really isn't feasible for me to become a professional football player or a musician in a well-known rock band (a small-time band would be tough given my lack of experience on any instrument). Instead, I'm going to focus on things that I could actually do given my skills and potential ability to be successful in the position.

1. Independent record label owner (Second-tier: replace label with any business)
2. Writer/Producer for television or movies
3. Full-time travel writer/travel show host
4. Copywriter/Creative Director at my dream ad/marketing agency (ie. Crispin Porter, GSD&M, etc.)
5. Sports radio show host

Now looking at this list, it doesn't look like any of them would be impossible. The problem I always have is pinpointing one thing and dedicating myself solely to it. If I had to choose which would be easiest right now, I would have to go with the Copywriter gig, BUT it would be more of a hybrid creative communications position involving marketing copywriting, blogging, and marketing within social media and new media. Out of all of them, my ultimate gig would be a toss up between owning an independent label and being a writer/producer. I'd be quite happy owning any business that I was passionate as an alternative to the record label as well.

Sitting here reflecting on this list and the possibilities of my future, I know I can land one of them. I just need focus...and a whole lotta grit, determination and resilience. New goal? Be sitting in one of these positions within the next five years...that is, unless I've found something better.

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